‘Roseanne’ Canceled; Why Not ‘The View’?

The “Roseanne” revival was abruptly canceled by ABC Tuesday following crude, racist tweets sent by show star Roseanne Barr about former Obama aide Valerie Jarrett. And while there’s absolutely no excuse for Barr’s tweets, it’s extremely hypocritical of ABC to continue airing “The View” given all the abhorrent things the co-hosts have said.

(RELATED: ‘Roseanne’ Fans Boycott ABC After Show Cancellation).

In February, Behar infamously and openly mocked the Christian faith of Vice President Mike Pence and millions of Americans when she proclaimed that the ability to hear messages from God is not a marker of faith, but “mental illness.” It took Behar weeks to apologize, and she only did so after constant public criticism and ridicule.

(RELATED: Comedian Joy Behar Mocks Mike Pence For Talking With Jesus: ‘That’s Called Mental Illness’).

(RELATED: Joy Behar Finally Apologizes for Mocking Christians).

Further proving just how intolerant she truly is, the very same month she attacked Pence’s faith, Behar also outright stated, “As a Democrat, I am offended by Republicans!” (RELATED: Joy Behar Explodes On Meghan McCain: ‘I Am Offended By Republicans!’).

But perhaps the most disgusting thing to ever fly out of Behar’s mouth occurred in October 2016. During a discussion about Donald Trump’s news conference prior to the second presidential debate, Behar called Bill Clinton’s rape accusers “tramps.” (RELATED: Paula Jones Responds To Joy Behar For Calling Her a ‘Tramp’).

Yet, she somehow remains employed, and “The View” remains on the air.

Upsettingly, Behar is far from the only unabashedly bigoted member of “The View.” Earlier this month, co-host Whoopi Goldberg suggested that President Donald Trump should endure torture. (RELATED: Diamond And Silk: Whoopi Goldberg Should Try Waterboarding).

Even the show’s producers are guilty of outrageous cultural bias: in October 2017, they censored the word “Jesus” – twice. (RELATED: ‘The View’ Censors ‘Jesus’, Twice).

Are the statements of Behar, Goldberg, and co. protected under the First Amendment? Yes, they are. So are Barr’s tweets, however misinformed. But Barr is also a conservative, and because of that, she doesn’t enjoy the same treatment under the law as liberals like Behar and Goldberg do. So while “Roseanne” gets canceled, “The View” lives on.

It’s outrageous that ABC immediately jumped to cancel “Roseanne” mere hours after her tweets. Meanwhile, Behar should have been canned a long time ago, but ABC continues to give her a platform to spew her bigotry and hate.

I need help pulling together a digest of horrible things leftist celebrities have twitted without repercussions (whatever)

 by Vvswiftvv17 to whatever (+30|-1)

Disney Fires Roseanne for One Offensive Tweet, Promotes Keith Olbermann After Daily Barrage of Vulgar Tweets

Disney Fires Roseanne for One Offensive Tweet, Promotes Keith Olbermann After Daily Barrage of Vulgar Tweets (

by Ex-Redditor to news (+90|-3)

FBI files confirm that Valerie Jarrett comes from a long line of Communists. Not Liberals or Socialists, but Reds.

FBI Files Show Valerie Jarrett Has Communist Links

FBI papers obtained by government watchdog Judicial Watch document hard-core communism in the family of Valerie Jarrett, Obama’s most trusted and influential advisor. Here’s what they reveal about her Chicago family, who were known as “Concealed Communists”:

Her late father, James E. Bowman, was involved with Communist front groups and was in contact with a paid Soviet agent in the 1950s — Alfred Stern — who was wanted for espionage.

Jarrett’s maternal grandfather, Robert Rochon Taylor, was involved with such Communist fronts as the American Peace Mobilization and the Chicago Civil Liberties Committee. A fellow member of these groups was Frank Marshall Davis, the Communist journalist who in the 1970s would mentor a young Barack Obama. An FBI document shows that Taylor, like Valerie Jarrett’s father, was believed to have been “in contact” with the aforementioned Soviet agent Alfred Stern “on a number of occasions.”

Valerie Jarrett’s maternal grandmother, Dorothy Taylor, was an activist with Planned Parenthood in its early years. Planned Parenthood was founded in 1942 by Margaret Sanger, a member of the New York Socialist Party and a eugenicist who favored the use of use birth control to limit the reproduction of society’s “least intelligent and fit” members. Toward that end, Sanger in 1939 created the so-called “Negro Project” specifically to prevent black people from breeding. Her Birth Control Review magazine once published an article emphasizing the “urgent need” for “eugenic sterilization.” That piece was penned by none other than Ernst Rüdin, who, as Jonah Goldberg points out, was Adolf Hitler’s director of sterilization and a founder of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene.

Her late father-in-law, Vernon D. Jarrett, was assigned by the Communist Party USA to a special cultural arts “cell” that spread “the Communist Party line” and ran publicity for communist candidates and also raised money for them, the FBI says. He helped the cell spread communist propaganda “among the middle class,” indoctrinating them through newspaper columns, radio shows, speeches, plays and other cultural anesthesia. Jarrett was such a threat as a Communist propagandist that he was flagged by the FBI as an internal security risk to be swiftly arrested in the event of a hot war with the Soviet Union. The FBI also investigated his wife, Fernetta “Fern” Jarrett, for Communist activities.

Valerie Jarrett’s mother is the early-childhood-education author Barbara Taylor Bowman (born 1928), who in 1966 co-founded a Chicago-based graduate school in child development known as the Erikson Institute, named after the psychoanalyst Erik Erikson. In 1950 Erikson became a hero to the Left by choosing to resign from his professorship at the University of California rather than sign an anti-Communist loyalty oath as the school required. The Erikson Institute’s radical orientation is reflected in the fact that its board of trustees has included such figures as Bernardine Dohrn, wife of the former Weather Underground terrorist and lifelong Marxist Bill Ayers, and Tom Ayers, father of the same lifelong Marxist.

These FBI files on Jarrett’s relatives are voluminous, covering their un-American activities during the height of the Cold War, when the FBI said the Communist Party USA sought to alter the American form of government “by unconstitutional means.” (Sound familiar?)

10 Things You Didn't Know About Valerie Jarrett

Jarrett is a senior adviser to President Obama.

By Henry J. Reske, Staff WriterApril 3, 2009, at 11:56 a.m.
U.S. News & World Report

10 Facts About Valerie Jarrett


1. VALERIE JARRETT WAS born Nov. 14, 1956, in Shiraz, Iran, where her parents, James and Barbara Bowman, lived for six years. Her father, a doctor, was working in Iran as part of a program that sent American physicians to developing countries.
2. The family also lived for a year in London before settling in the Hyde Park area of Chicago.
3. Jarrett's great-grandfather, Robert Robinson Taylor, was the first African-American to graduate from MIT.
4. Jarrett did her undergraduate work at Stanford and received her law degree from the University of Michigan.
5. In 1983, she married a friend from childhood, William Robert Jarrett, who was a doctor and the son of Chicago Sun-Times columnist Vernon Jarrett.
6. The couple divorced in 1988, and Jarrett's ex-husband died in 1993 from a heart attack. Their only child, Laura, is studying law at Harvard.
7. Jarrett worked with two private law firms. She eventually specialized in commercial real estate.
8. She went to work in the city of Chicago's Law Department under Mayor Harold Washington and held a series of positions under Mayor Richard M. Daley.
9. Most recently, she was CEO of the Habitat Co., a real estate management and development firm in Chicago.
10. She met Barack Obama in 1991 when he accompanied his fiancée, Michelle Robinson, to a dinner with Jarrett as part of Michelle's job interview for a position in the mayor's office. Michelle got the job, and the three have been friends ever since.

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Henry J. Reske, Staff Writer